Call for Contributed Presentations
The HALG 2023 conference seeks submissions for contributed presentations. Each presentation is expected to consist of a poster and a short talk (an invitation to the poster). There will be no conference proceedings, hence presenting work already published at a different venue or journal (or to be submitted there) is welcome.
If you would like to present your results at HALG 2023, please submit their details: the abstract of the talk or the contribution of the poster via Easychair.
The abstract should include (when relevant) information where the results have been published/accepted (e.g., conference), and where they are publicly available (e.g., arXiv).
All submissions will be reviewed by the Program Committee (PC), giving priority to papers published in 2022 or later.
Submission deadline: .
Late submissions will be considered subject to space constraints.
Acceptance/rejection notifications for contributed presentations will be sent in early April.
Early registration deadline: .
- HALG 2023 conference in Prague -.
Call for Nominations
The HALG 2023 conference seeks high-quality nominations for invited talks that will highlight recent advances in algorithmic research. Similarly to previous years, there are two categories of invited talks:
A. survey (60 minutes): a survey of an algorithmic topic that has seen exciting developments in last couple of years.
B. paper (30 minutes): a significant algorithmic result appearing in a paper in 2022 or later.
To nominate, please email Harald Räcke <raecke AT in DOT tum DOT de> the following information:
Basic details: speaker name + topic (for survey talk) or paper’s title, authors, conference/arxiv + preferable speaker (for paper talk).
- Brief justification: Focus on the benefits to the audience, e.g., quality of results, importance/relevance of topic, clarity of talk, speaker’s presentation skills.
All nominations will be reviewed by the Program Committee (PC) to select speakers that will be invited to the conference.
Nominations deadline: .
Please keep in mind that the conference does not provide financial support for the speakers.